What is the duty/GST rates for Wine?

The duty rates for alcohol varies depending on its exact specifications, however to give you a general idea most Wines are 5% duty, however in addition to duty and GST, most wines also attract Wine Equalisation Tax (WET) which is calculated at 29% of [the customs value (CV) PLUS the duty PLUS the Transport and Insurance (T&I)].

Wine Calculation Example:

The Duty, WET and GST payable on a 700ml bottle of Wine valued at $100 with an alcohol content of 13.5% would be calculated as follows:

If the Customs value (CV) of the Wine = $100.00
Then the Customs duty @ 5% of the $100 (CV) = $5.00 (Payable)
International transport and insurance or postage (T&I) = $50.00
Wine Equalisation Tax (WET) @ 29% of (CV + Duty + T&I) = $44.95 (Payable)
Value of the Taxable Importation (VoTI) = (CV + Duty + T&I + WET) = $199.95
Goods and Services Tax (GST) @ 10% of the VoTI = $19.99 (Payable)
Total Payable (Duty + WET + GST) = $69.94

*Quoted rates are indicative and subject to change